1. 21 Emon Uchuu ike! Hadashi no Princess - MyAnimeList.net
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Looking for information on the anime 21 Emon Uchuu ike! Hadashi no Princess (21-Emon: To Space! The Barefoot Princess)? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database.
2. 21 Emon: Uchū Ike! Hadashi no Princess (movie)
... English title Me and the Alien MuuMuu . The anime will star newcomer Momo Harumi as Sakurako Umeyashiki, and Etsuko Kozakura as MuuMuu. Pony Canyon ...
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3. 21 Emon (TV) - Anime News Network
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Director: Keiichi Hara
4. 21 Emon: Sora Ike! Hadashi no Princess (Anime) - aniSearch.com
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Information about the anime 21 Emon: Sora Ike! Hadashi no Princess from studio Shin-ei Animation Co., Ltd. with the main genre Action Comedy
5. 21 Emon Uchuu ike! Hadashi no Princess - My Anime Shelf
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Anime and figurines from Japan. Browse our databases, list your own collection, upload photos, read about otaku, find friends, comment users stuff
6. 21 Emon - MyAnimeList.net
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In 2018 a young boy named 21 Emon dreams of becoming a space pilot and exploring space in general. He is the heir to a long line of hotel owners, which dates back to the founder of during the Tokugawa shogunate. Since the Earth has become a planet visited by tourists from all over the space, 21 Emon has to help out his family's business or they'll go bankrupt.
7. 21 Emon (Anime) Voice Actors - aniSearch.com
Here you can find a list of all currently known voice actors and their respective roles in the anime “21 Emon”. If you know of any more voice actors who ...
A list of all the voice actors in the anime 21 Emon, including role designations.
8. 21 Emon - Animanga Wiki - Fandom
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21 Emon (21エモン, Nijūichi emon) is a Japanese manga by Fujiko F. Fujio published from 1968 to 1969 in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday of Shogakukan. The manga was given an anime adaptation by Studio Shin-Ei Animation in 1991. Two animated films were made: 21 Emon: Uchuu e Irasshai! and 21 Emon: To Space! The Barefoot Princess. The official English name is 21 Emon: The 21st Century Kid. In 2018, a young boy named 21 Emon dreams of becoming a space pilot and exploring space in general. He is the
9. 19890911.txt - The University of Texas at Austin
At this frontier tow n 120 miles n o rth w est of the H u n g arian capital, bo rd er g u a rd s gave only cursory checks to East G erm ans. As th e first g ro ...
Eva Uorens Daily Texan Staff The asbestos level at the UT S tu d en t H ealth C enter does n o t pose a health h az ard to staff an d stu d e n ts, b u t construction p erso n n el m ight be at risk, a m em ber of the S tu d e n t H ealth C om m ittee said Friday. D avid Ritchie, a public affairs g rad u ate stu d e n t, said th e D ivision of Physical Plant b uildin g survey team h as an alyzed the air a n d took bulk sam ples in different areas of the cen ter since 1984 a n d conclu ded in Sep tem ber that asbestos "d id n ot pose a health h azard because it is n o t floating in the air." But Ritchie said "85 p ercen t of the pipes 7 more die, 29 wounded in intifada Associated Press JERUSALEM — At least seven Palestinians w ere killed in the occu pied territories on S u nday, six by Is raelis an d one by a fellow A rab w ho w as su spected as a collaborator w ith auth orities, A rab rep o rts said. The arm y confirm ed six of the killings. T w enty-nine P alestinians w ere re p o rted w o u n d e d — including an 18- soldiers m onth-old child — by d isp ersin g sto n e th ro w ers, hospital officials said. Late S unday, ab out 10 Jew ish se t tlers raided an A rab village in the W est Bank and fatally sh o t a Pales tinian w h o allegedly h u rled stones at their vehicle, hospital officials said. S ahed S hetaw i, 20, w as fatally shot a n d at least four o th e r villagers w ere w o...